Saturday, February 25, 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microwave Ovens

Microwaves are a type of vigor that is absorbed by the food particles inside an oven. These waves make the water article inside the food particles to vibrate, which in return make food particles rub against each other, thus producing heat vigor and cooking the whole food. The more the vigor supplied the faster and best the food gets cooked. This is possible by either expanding the power furnish to the oven or by expanding the cooking time.

Microwave ovens have a whole lot of advantages than disadvantages. Some foods when cooked in these ovens maintain their flavour and taste than when cooked in the customary methods. These ovens are also cost sufficient on electricity and are also safe to use. Also these machines do not want pre-heating as in a customary oven, and can be used immediately upon switching on. This also helps in the surroundings being cooler, unlike the gas stove that heats up the kitchen area, thus making it hot and uncomfortable to work.

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This type of cooking also reduces cooking odours which accompany while cooking on gas stoves. Also cleaner kitchens can be achieved, as less food spills are caused in this method. The endeavor of washing of gas stoves is reduced as these ovens neednt' be washed, they can just be wiped off the dirt and food. With a mixture oven that includes a conventional and microwave oven, cooking can get faster and simple as well.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microwave Ovens

A coin has two sides and so does any device. A microwave oven too has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the major disadvantages could be that the food gets cooked faster which could supervene in over cooking of the food. The food can tend to get cooked unevenly, with hot food being on top and cold and uncooked food at the bottom, and so food has to be stirred, at quarterly intervals, in order to cook food correctly. Microwave oven need definite utensils to cook food as not all metals and alloy vessels can be used. Also all types of food cannot be cooked in a microwave oven; there are safe bet restrictions as well.

A microwave oven has many safe bet features and few negative aspects as well. It depends on the usage and need of the individual to go for this type of oven, along with needful features and options.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microwave Ovens